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Story writers wanted for collaborative writing! Ideas & other information for people who want to write contributing stories. Genres wanted: Spy/Espionage, War, Police procedural/Detective/Crime, Historical fiction, Realistic fiction

(The above image was created thanks to https://memegenerator.net/Uncle-Sam-Says/caption .) If you are having second thoughts about wri...

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Story writers wanted for collaborative writing! Ideas & other information for people who want to write contributing stories. Genres wanted: Spy/Espionage, War, Police procedural/Detective/Crime, Historical fiction, Realistic fiction

(The above image was created thanks to https://memegenerator.net/Uncle-Sam-Says/caption.)

If you are having second thoughts about writing based on these ideas, feel uncomfortable about the subject manner talked about &/or associating with me &/or the story, this is talked about at the bottom of this article.

For more details, please read
My story template system: how do you create a story, & what counts as canon?.

If you're an artist, please read
A note to artists who want to create art related to the story.

Here are the genres wanted, & examples of stories to come up with.

Spy/Espionage & Conspiracy:

. Being a Zootopia Human Hunters Force secret agent and hunting down people involved in the military-industrial complex, 9/11, & other false flag attacks.

Here are some videos to listen to get names & ideas:


. Cascadia during the war with the U.S.A. and Canada.
 . A story of a Cascadian Corrections agent (who was deployed near a prison) meeting his once abusive but since repentant & apologetic father, who is American Marine (or maybe Canadian soldier), with the agent forgiving the Marine (or soldier) & even protecting him from unscrupulous militia members whenever he was outside of vehicles or POW camps.

Police procedural/Detective/Crime:

. Libertopia State Office Of Constitution Enforcement officers fighting the Central Intelligence Agency in the war on drugs.
Libertopia State Office Of Constitution Enforcement officers hunting down foreign (especially Mossad) agents in their state.
. Investigating the death of a truth-teller.

Here's some videos to provide some inspiration:

Note to writers:

If you feel too uncomfortable with using the real names of people, groups companies and so on, and/or want to avoid trouble (particularly the legal type), then just change the name(s) slightly.

For example, if the Zootopia Human Hunters Force hires a mercenary-spy to go after 

Similarly, Jewish Defense League can be re-named as "Zionist Defense League".

Hopefully, you get the idea.

As for any defunct groups (such as Project for the New American Century) or deceased individuals (such as Irving Kristol), I do not know rather or not can still be sued for depicting them in a story, even after a disclaimer that the story is fictional.

This article should soon be updated with new information regarding the legality of using real life individuals & entities in fictional stories.

I want things to be based on real events or at least try to reference real events becuase I want to inform & educate people who know little to nothing about politics &/or misinformed about politics & history.

My story is not purely for starry-eyed, faint-of-heart snowflakes. It is intended to spread truth & messages that promote peace & liberty.

P.S: in my opinion, if people can write stories involving celebrities, why can't I, especially after making disclaimers that the stories are fictional?

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