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Monday, October 9, 2017

Cascadia vs America & Canada culture wars, border conflict & Cascadian border & coast defenses

this is all FICTION, and I have no intention of offending Americans or Canadians (or anyone else).

Cascadia and America (and, to a lesser extent, Canada) had a very rough relationship with each other, not only with political but also, cultural differences.

This all started just before the Lewis and Clark expedition, when secular classical liberals and minarchists wanted to separate from the heavily christian United States of America, especially with their feeling that the U.S.A.'s government not doing enough to protect all human and animal rights, and to keep its people free from the wrath of the central banks in the long term.

After the Lewis and Clark expedition, these secular classical liberals and minarchists moved to the pacific northwest of the United States and Western Canada, from Northern California to Yukon, and from Yukon to parts of Wyoming up to Western Montana.

Just as the War of 1812 started, they declared this land to be the "Secular Nonpartistan Constitutional Federation of Cascadia", and since then, has fought the American and Canadian governments to keep that land.

The first border defenses were a combination of cavalry and scouting patrols by rangers (long-range light infantry).

Later on, fences were built, which were replaced by barbed wire, which ended up getting sandwiched in between anti-vehicle mines and sandbagged trenches with machine guns, and behind the trenches, heavy artillery, air support, and anti-aircraft defenses.

But the physical barriers are not like the cultural differences.

As of modern times, many Cascadians see Canadians as starry-eyed leftists who have little real understanding of personal freedom (particularly on weapon laws and freedom of speech), virtually no understanding of economic freedom (don't ask why their economic freedom situation is not worse), and let other cultures screw them over.

For decades, by comparison, many Cascadians see;

Typical American conservatives as delusional Evangelical Christians who are:
. Gullible to fear tactics (especially sensationalism and outright lies about Muslim-on-Christian or Muslim-on-Jew violence). 
. Have little understanding about economics. 
.Have no understanding of foreign policy beyond what big-name right ring media tells them. 
. Thinks that the world hates America for being free. 
. Are tribalistic and thinks that Muslims commit terrorism out of pure hatred for non-Muslims, and sees all Muslims are being in the same rival tribe.
. Have no understanding of personal freedom outside of freedom of speech, and to an extent, gun rights (though many are fudds).
. Thinks that Jewish people, Zionism, and the State of Israel are the same entity, and, since Jews are god's chosen people, are given a free pass no matter what Jewish individuals or groups or the Israeli government or government agencies do.

And typical American liberals as being starry-eyed, feeble minded snowflakes, who:
. Have no understanding of economics whatsoever.
. Are loyal to tribe leaders (ie politicians, celebrities) no matter what they do (even start wars), as long as they identify with the socio-political left.
. Have no understanding of personal freedom outside of sexuality and bashing people perceived to be "racist".
. Are just as collectivist, and someones more collectivist, than their enemies.

So all in all, Americans are seen as being locked into an archaic left/right paradigm in which, on the right to gain economic freedom, personal freedom must be sacrificed, and on the left, to gain personal freedom, economic freedom must be sacrificed (which more or less came from the French revolution).

After World War 2, Cascadia loosened restrictions on border crossings, making it viable for people to travel through America and Canada to go to Cascadia by land.

However, Cascadian law enforcement is still serious about enforcing immigration regulations, and such immigration controls are seen by the Cascadian people as a nessasary evil to protect their values and principles from fouling, damage, and/or destruction.

If you have any suggestions &/or questions, please feel free to comment below.

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