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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Why I want to move people away from low-brow, super-safe issues & virtue signalling, & create more open discussion & debates, & have real values & principles over labels & sports team tribalist identity politics

(The above image comes credit of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nast-intellect.png.)

In mainstream culture, in terms of social issues, we have made a few improvements over the last few decades.

Women are given the right to vote and more control over their lives. 
Discrimination by characteristics such as race, gender, disability, and sexuality have been removed from laws, and in some places, even outlawed.
Female genital mutilation has been outlawed in many places in the 1990's.
And we are seeing more acceptance of social minorities, such as queer people and even furries and related circles, and more people talking about animal rights/welfare.

Everything I just stated is true... if we are only talking about the Western world, and to a lesser extent, the developed world.
While in the Western world, yes, we have our issues, but everyday life has gotten pretty good.
Not quite as much outside of the developed Western World. Even if you're lucky enough to be somewhere where not everyone is severely impoverished, starving and so on and so forth, daily life can be hardy at best, and oftentimes ouright rough (to put it lightly).

There are places where having a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex can bring the death penalty (either from the government, or even other people), and just being with someone of the opposite sex who you are unmarried and unrelated to can bring severe punishments, including honor killings.

There are places where things range from the government being unable to keep up the rule of law and order to protect social minorities to be completely in on the raping, torturing, enslaving, and killing of social minorities.

There are places where it is perfectly legal, or even common, for the private parts of females (including babies) to be cut up and mangled, sometimes by people with no medical training at all, sometimes not even using real medical tools.

And in much of the world, it is perfectly legal to cut off foreskin, which contains thousands of nerve endings, from males, even without consent and anesthetic.

And I can go on, and on, and on.

While I do strongly belive in giving everyone an equal chance, the law treating everyone equally and judge in people as individuals and what they do in life and nothing more and nothing else.

Some people take things to far, and we get end up with ideological extremists, virtue signalling and Social Justice Warriors. 

Cutting to the chase, while a lot of people rightfully criticize religion (with Christianity being the most notable example) & talk about civil rights, & some do it better than others, I want more talk about helping people in second & third world countries, & overall more talk about more serious issues (which I'm about to show some examples of).

Few criticize Christian fanatics in Africa, & it can be hard to find critics of Islam who don't have a political agenda that includes hating Muslims, & if one searches critics of Judaism, it is not hard to find anti-Jewish content, & so on & so forth.

People rage over things like gender inequality, homophobia & racism, & in genuine cases, rightfully so.

But where is the rage about war?

Where is the rage about Neocolonialism in Africa?

Where is the rage over the failed war on drugs?

Where is the rage over the NDAA & Patriot act?

Where is the rage about international banking cartels & company bailouts?

Where is the rage about bad trade policies?

Where is the rage about the Military Industrial Complex's control of the media & war profiteering?
(I got the above image credit of https://www.truthorfiction.com/six-corporations-own-90-percent-of-news-media/. Fair use while crediting the source is reserved.)
(The above image is from https://web.archive.org/web/20020919110051/http://www.questionsquestions.net/gatekeepers.html.)

Hopefully, you get the idea now. But why don't people talk about these real issues?

One big reason can be attributed to the government schooling system. 
As better explained from the video below (Super Hero films and Post Traumatic Stress of America: Dan Sanchez), especially between 46:55 & 1:03:00, people (particularly millennials), in school, people are awarded for unquestioning obedience, especially considering how it's now more about memorizing for tests than learning practical life skills or philosophy, & the version of history taught in schools is what the government wants people to know.

I wonder if Prussian-style government schooling contributes to people using mental gymnastics to support their team.

Oh, & then there are ideological extremists. While I openly criticize the Alt-right, White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis & related circles on my political blog, let's not overlook the horseshoe.
(I got the above image from http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1164559-alt-right.)

I'm plan on coming out with a video of responding to liberals on Quora trying to defend, justify, &/or downplay what Antifa does, & assemble a playlist of videos that answer Social Justice Warriors on YouTube.

We also see low-brow issues with some anti-SJW types. It is not that hard to debunk Social Justice Warrior logic, yet there are a handful of popular people (mostly right-of-center) that are highly praised just for this, and few knowledgeable, articulate people actually criticize them over more important issues.

If we are stuck on low-brow super-safe domestic issues, it's hard to create real solutions within the places we live, let alone actually help people abroad who have it worse than we do.

I also want to push educated intellectual people, such as Ryan Dawson and Shane Killian, and debate sites such as QallOut.

I had better ideas for this article back on Thursday, but I didn't manage my time as well as I should've.

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