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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Announcement & explanation of the Zootopia origins & annexation story & collaborative writing, & why I'm doing it

Not associated with, or in reference to, the story by thefirstfleet.

After watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nMmC3YvR6M , I’ve picked up an interest in Zootopia fandom, the Disney style of animal anthropomorphism, & after reading https://jekkal.deviantart.com/journal/The-REAL-Difference-between-Anthro-and-Furry-214150891, I considered myself to be a low-level furry.

When I was looking into Zootopia, I found out about the early scripts involving “tame collars”. Then I started looking at pictures & fanfictions related to the dystopian version of the story with the collars, & then, I got the inspiration for the more recent versions of the 2 stories I’ve came up with.
That inspiration came from a now deleted story, in which it’s mentioned that Hillary Clinton became president & led the U.S. into economic failure, & when Donald Trump became president, he annexed Zootopia as a state to fight Mexico, & while he was at it, forced predators in Zootopia to wear shock collars.

Since that story was deleted, I won’t talk about it further or say what its name is or who made it. 

But I will say that it inspired me to create my own story in which the U.S. annexes Zootopia, called "Zootopia's annexation" with 2 basic versions:

The 1st version is that Donald Trump & Mike Pence beat Ron Paul & either Ryan Dawson or Michael Rivero (more likely the latter).

On January the 20th, 2017, Trump sends Navy SEALS to Zootropolis, and they pull off coup d'etat and barely stop Zootopia’s ICBM’s from getting deployed against NATO (especially the U.S.), Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Even though Zootopia becomes property of the United States government, president Trump signs a treaty with Zootopia and declares it to be a “special territory”, which allows them to keep many of their old laws (especially their weapon laws) and didn’t require that residents living in the territory pay as much income taxes as U.S. states, but has absolutely no voting rights.

In the 2nd version, Hillary Clinton with Joe Lieberman, John McCain with either Lindsey Graham or Mike Huckabee, & Ron Paul with Michael Rivero run for president. Despite media support for McCain and Graham/Huckabee, Paul & Rivero gets most of the real votes, but Clinton & Lieberman steal them when they cheat via vote rigging.

On January the 20th, 2017, Clinton sends Navy SEALS to Zootropolis, & they pull off a coup d'etat to take over Zootropolis city.
Zootropolis ends up becoming a commonwealth like Puerto Rico, and the city is cut off from the rest of the island.
This story is somewhat more realistic in regards to the legal status of land that is newly aquired by the U.S., but is more dystopian with the formation of Tame Collar Enforcement, a brutal paramilitary law enforcement agency that’s officially stated purpose is to “control dangerous predators” but in reality is the secret police of the Clinton administration.

In both versions of the story, in 2020, Ron Paul comes in and straightens everything out, sort-of-speak.

I wanted to make stories that talk about controversial issues, such as peace & war, the right to keep and bear arms & armor, along with hate & collectivism, & I’d also like to show how to treat drug abuse in better ways than incarceration, & touch upon how economic freedom is good (with the economic freedom seen in the Nations Against the New World Order & Libertopia State) all from a libertarian point of view, along with mocking religion (especially Zionist Judaism, Wahabi Islam & Evangelical Christianity).

Along with this, I do plan on having a sympathetic depiction of peace officer, & while the story is intended to be anti-war, instead of depicting military forces as sources of evil, they are more like the tools of evil people.

I personally did not take World revolution & war stories very seriously, & only did it on Pinterest (I plan to not make any releases outside of Pinterest). But, now I’m thinking Zootopia’s annexation as an alternate timeline, & while I am definitely UNABLE to make a profit off of it due to me ripping off of other’s creations being counted under copyright law (and understandably, considering how it isn’t my creation), at least it would be more viable with an already large Zootopia & furry fanbase that this story can be marketed to.

I’m well aware that this will be perceived as weird (even I think that), & the quality of this won’t be nearly like Shakespeare's most refined works, but then again, Loony Toons & Who Framed Roger Rabbit were fairly successful when featuring cartoon characters, so maybe I’d have a shot with anthropomorphised animals that were the result of a scientific experiment.

Not to mention how in history, cartoons have been used for propaganda before. So how different would that be from me making a story involving anthropomorphised animals?

I find this extremely ironic, as that ABC, a mainstream media outlet, is owned by the Walt Disney Company, which had Robert W. Matschullat as a member of their board of directors, who “served as head of worldwide investment banking for Morgan Stanley & Co” (https://www.thecloroxcompany.com/who-we-are/corporate-governance/board-of-directors/robert-w-matschullat/), at which Robert Walmsley was a senior director at, who was a non-executive director at General Dynamics, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Walmsley#Corporate_roles), which is a part of the military industrial complex, of which I’m very much against their influence of the media and, especially, government.

Even if I do get negative ratings, I might recruit people to join a movement that I want. For example, if I can get one person who’s not seriously political to join the antiwar movement, then that’s a small victory.
If I can get someone to become a true libertarian, that would be an even bigger victory.
Or, perhaps the best example, today, someone might get interested in the firearms mentioned in the story (ie a Steyr AUG or a Glock) and buy the airsoft replica of it. Tomorrow, they might get the real thing (of course, depending on what’s available to them and how hard that they’re willing to try to get it), & get into shooting, which can possibly also help also lead them to self-defense, prepping/survivalism, & so on and so forth.

Hopefully you’ll get the idea. Ryan Dawson has talked about people using their talents to help spread messages, & a modern day example would be TUT/The Undisputed Truth, whose real name is Robbie Stevenson, does rap songs related to the truth, peace, & Palestine supporting movements.
And there are countless times in history in which entertainment media was used to promote agendas or simply talk about issues (with John Lennon singing about peace being one unconcealed example).

This is why I will be making so many references to real-life things; to promote the truth.

I’m not calling my storytelling a talent, but rather, a hobby that I do.

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