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Monday, March 6, 2017

Zootopia's Origins: my version


NOT associated with, or in reference to, the story by thefirstfleet.

It all started in the 1900’s, when, in England, a group of mad scientists somewhere around Willingdon (right next to Animal Farm) got into the study of the similarities of differences between humans and animals. In this, they messed with animal genes, and made the animals they worked on anthropomorphic, and essentially made human brains (with sizes varying with species, but with virtually the same capabilities) grow in anthropomorphic animal bodies.

Sometime in the late 1930’s, the animals break out of their cells, ejected the scientists, and started to create a village in the area around an old castle. They created simple clothes that was somewhat similar to that shown in the 1973 Robin Hood animated movie. They had little in way of technology, so they lived an almost medieval looking lifestyle (most of the 1973 animated film “Robin Hood” was accurate).

After this, King Richard’s so-called “crusades” happened, which were actually skirmishes with civilians who were attacking the kingdom. Contrary to popular belief, the animals had a number of firearms (mostly shotguns, being the most common type in civilian hands) captured from humans, and even had a little knowledge on firearms, but, aside from the ones led by King Richard, had little live ammunition that can be fired through the firearms that the animals possessed.

The Animal Kingdom and Animal Farm both did have a defensive alliance for several years, but had many cultural differences as that the Animal Kingdom had a more human-like culture while human culture was officially repressed in Animal Farm, the Animal Kingdom had a wild animal majority while Animal Farm was populated virtually completely by domesticated animals, the Animal Kingdom didn’t have a government as hard as animal farm, and so on and so forth.

Animal Farm was overrun and destroyed by British militias in 1940, but the story of it lives on as documented by George Orwell’s book “Animal Farm”, which in this timeline was developed and published after years of research after the end of World War 2.
The events of the 1973 animated movie “Robin Hood” take place just a few months before the Animal Kingdom was invaded by civilian militias and British military and law enforcement. When that happened, a platoon of 30 stealth commandos from Cascadia helped the animals. They would’ve been overrun, but the German military had already launched Operation Sea Lion and invading the mainland, so the British took their priorities off of invading Animal Kingdom to defend their coast against the invading axis military. The animals sneak to a ship, which sailed to friendly Ireland. On the way to Ireland on the ship, Maid Marian gives birth to her and Robin Hood’s 6 kits.

After stopping on Ireland, the animals took another ship to Cascadia. Soon after the animals land in Cascadia, 2 false flag attacks happen: a bombing in Canada, and, at the exact same time, another bombing in the Corporate States of America. Both of the attacks were blamed on Cascadia, and the U.S. and Canada invaded. This forced Cascadia to both end its war with Japan in the Pacific and draw troops out of Ireland to bring back troops to protect the mainland. Canada withdrawals in 1941 to help Great Britain fend off against the German military, and the U.S. ended the war with Cascadia after the Pearl Harbor attacks and the public finding out that Cascadia did not commit the bombings.

Though both the Canadian and U.S. militaries both caused much damage to Cascadia, and Cascadians have also done damage of their own (especially with their “scorched earth” campaign during their retreat), which left the people still on Cascadia to clean up the mess that they partially caused.

Soon after Japan surrendered, ending World War 2, the animals settle South Cascadia Island, which is halfway between south America and New Zealand, and call it “Zootopia”, with it becoming an independent nation and protectorate of Cascadia in 1946.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Zootopia, nor the 1973 film Robin Hood, or any of their characters. They all belong to Disney. I also do NOT own Animal Farm. It belongs to Eric Arthur Blair.

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